House Painting Cost Calculator

Start Your Quote Now!

Use our house painting cost calculator to get quick quotes for both interior and exterior painting.

For an interior painting quote, simply select the ceiling height, specify the room type, its dimensions, and count the doors and windows. This quote covers painting for ceilings, walls, skirting boards, door frames, doors, and window frames. If your room has a feature wall or special details, a painting inspection might be needed to adjust the quote. Remember, the provided estimate assumes the surface is in good condition.

For an exterior painting estimator, choose the house level, cladding type, and measure each side in linear meters. You can also add elements like gutters, fascias, eaves, balustrades, and fences. The quote assumes the surface is in good shape. If there’s peeling or cracking, extra costs for surface preparation might apply.

Our house painting cost calculator gives you an idea of the investment needed for your painting project. It’s a handy tool, so give it a try!

Toggle between the tabs below to get quotes for either interior or exterior projects.

Complete the fields below to receive a price estimate in your inbox.

  • Project Details
  • XContact
  • XFinalize
Ceiling Height
Room – Type
Room: Length
Room: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 2: Type
Room 2: Length
Room 2: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 3: Type
Room 3: Length
Room 3: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 4: Type
Room 4: Length
Room 4: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 5: Type
Room 5: Length
Room 5: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 6: Type
Room 6: Length
Room 6: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 7: Type
Room 7: Length
Room 7: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 8: Type
Room 8: Length
Room 8: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 9: Type
Room 9: Length
Room 9: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 10: Type
Room 10: Length
Room 10: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 11: Type
Room 11: Length
Room 11: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 12: Type
Room 12: Length
Room 12: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 13: Type
Room 13: Length
Room 13: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 14: Type
Room 14: Length
Room 14: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Room 15: Type
Room 15: Length
Room 15: Width
Nº Doors
Nº Windows

Complete the fields below to receive a price estimate in your inbox.

  • Project Details
  • XContact
  • XFinalize
Property Level
Wall Type
Front of the House: Linear Meters
Back of the House: Linear Meters
Left Side of the House: Linear Meters
Right Side of the House: Linear Meters
Nº Doors
Nº Windows
Timber Balustrade: Linear Meters
Fence: Linear Meters